Přihlašování na příměstské tábory - léto 2025 je spuštěné. Všechny informace k přihlášení a taky pokyny k platbě najdete zde!
V případě nejasností se na nás můžete obrátit na krouzky@hudyboulder.cz nebo +420 220 920 029.


Price list

Who?TimeFull admission
Adults (Mon-Fri)****3 h* (departure by 17:00)220 CZK
Adults (Mon-Fri)3 h* (departure after 17:00)290 Kč
Adults (weekends and holidays)Unlimited250 CZK
Students**3 h* / weekends and holidays unlimited220 CZK
Children (3-17 years with consent of legal guardian)3 h* / weekends and holidays unlimited180 CZK
Seniors / Disabled***3 h* / weekends and holidays unlimited180 CZK
Short entry****1.5 h*180 CZK
  1. * Limited validity period applies only to Mon-Fri (excluding holidays). The time in the paid area starts to be counted only when you enter the paid area by passing through the turnstile. It is possible to move freely from the hall to the bar/changing room area and back. The system automatically calculates the time in the paid area continuously from the first entry to the last exit, without any limitation on the number of passes through the turnstile. If someone takes a break, the clock is still ticking. After 3 hours, 1/3 of the basic admission price after all discounts applied will be charged for each hour started.
  2. ** Students must present an ISIC card with a valid stamp for the calendar year or other valid student ID to receive student admission.
  3. *** In order to obtain a senior or disabled discount, you must show the appropriate document at the reception. The elderly are considered to be over 60 years of age.
  4. **** Shortened entry” and “Adults (leave before 17:00)” are discounted prices valid only Mon-Fri when leaving between 7:00-17:00. It is only possible to recieve one discounted entry for the whole day These prices can only be activated from credit on your account, it is not possible to buy it separately. This means that the relevant full entry needs to be charged and the difference will remain in your account.

Opening hours

Monday7.00 – 21.30
Tuesday7.00 – 21.30
Wednesday7.00 – 21.30
Thursday7.00 – 21.30
Friday7.00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday9.00 – 21.30
Public holidays9.00 – 21.30

Where to find us

HUDY Boulder Karlín
Křižíkova 684/91a
186 00 Prague 8 – Karlín

Tel: +420 220 920 029
Email: info@hudyboulder.cz

Follow us

You can find us on Maps.cz or Google

If you drive to the hotel, it is possible to park for free in the adjacent streets on weekends. For more information on parking, please visit www.parkujvklidu.cz