Přihlašování na příměstské tábory - léto 2025 je spuštěné. Všechny informace k přihlášení a taky pokyny k platbě najdete zde!
V případě nejasností se na nás můžete obrátit na krouzky@hudyboulder.cz nebo +420 220 920 029.



Opening hours

Monday7.00 – 21.30
Tuesday7.00 – 21.30
Wednesday7.00 – 21.30
Thursday7.00 – 21.30
Friday7.00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday9.00 – 21.30
Public holidays9.00 – 21.30

Where to find us

HUDY Boulder Karlín
Křižíkova 684/91a
186 00 Prague 8 – Karlín

Tel: +420 220 920 029
Email: info@hudyboulder.cz

Follow us

You can find us on Maps.cz or Google

If you drive to the hotel, it is possible to park for free in the adjacent streets on weekends. For more information on parking, please visit www.parkujvklidu.cz


Pro posun mapy držte klávesu Ctrl a současně použijte kolečko myši

Responsible person

Samuel Papp

Sam is a true climbing enthusiast who was introduced to climbing at the threshold of adulthood. He fell for it right away and since then he has been turning rocks, boulders or just bouldering wherever he can. He likes climbing in nature, but he is not offended by artificial holds when the weather is not so good. That’s why he couldn’t resist the opportunity to work in a climbing environment that presented itself. Now you can meet him on our HUDY Boulder, where he makes sure the wall works as it should. He is happy to listen to any meaningful suggestion, sometimes he will fill in for colleagues at the reception or make you a coffee, just don’t expect latte art from him.

More Information

Phone: +420 220 920 029
E-mail: vedouci@hudyboulder.cz